學院名稱 國際學院  系所名稱 國際傳媒與娛樂管理學系 
姓名 吳岱栖  職稱 副教授  學歷 美國密西西比州立大學工業工程博士 
E-mail taichiwu@isu.edu.tw 
專長 TRIZ系統性創新、系統模擬分析、專案管理、決策輔助系統、資料庫系統、決策分析、高教國際化 
產業合作經驗(含業界工作經歷) Dr. Tai-Chi Wu is the dean of Student Affairs Office of I-Shou University in Taiwan, an institute under Taiwan’s biggest conglomerate, E-United Group. He also serves as the Senior Consultant of Office of International Affairs Office for his experience in the internationalization of higher education, which makes ISU as one of the most internationalized universities in Taiwan. Dr. Tai-Chi Wu is a member of several academic associations, such as The Society of Systematic Innovation. Recently, his research has focused on the systematic innovation, strategically development of internationalization of higher education, and system simulation.  
參與產學意願 是 
著作連結 著作 


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